Visit and Tour Local Fish Farm Today

Looking for something to do this June Holidays, and want to learn more about the farming landscape in Singapore?

We are open to the public for walk-ins and visits!

Khaiseng Trading & Fish Farm is one of the few land-based fish farms available for public to visit. We are open daily from 8am – 1pm.

At our farm, you can tour and look at how simple fish farming technology can yield high levels of productivity. You can see for yourselves sustainable farming practices in action.

Purchase live fishes, let us process it for you, and enjoy the freshest fish you can get, directly from our farm to your table!

Visit us now at 291 Neo Tiew Crescent, Singapore 718903.

🐟💡 Embracing Simplicity: The Beauty of Simple Fish Farming Technology! 🌱🏞️

🐟💡 Embracing Simplicity: The Beauty of Simple Fish Farming Technology! 🌱🏞️

At Khaiseng Fish Farm, we firmly believe in the power of simplicity when it comes to fish farming. 🌊🐠 While high-rise fish farming may seem enticing with its advanced features and towering structures, we advocate for a simpler approach that reaps numerous benefits for both the environment and the quality of our seafood. Let us delve into why simple fish farming technology is better:

1️⃣ Sustainable Resource Utilization: Simple fish farming technology allows us to optimize resource usage effectively. By focusing on smaller-scale systems that prioritize efficiency and minimal waste, we ensure that we make the most of our resources while minimizing our ecological footprint. 🌿💦

2️⃣ Reduced Environmental Impact: High-rise fish farming often requires significant amounts of energy and resources for maintenance, such as lighting, temperature control, and water circulation. Conversely, simple fish farming technology, based on natural systems, minimizes the need for excessive energy consumption and reduces potential environmental harm. 🌍🔋

3️⃣ Water Conservation: Simple fish farming systems typically incorporate water recirculation and filtration methods, enabling us to reuse and conserve water. This not only reduces our water consumption but also prevents the discharge of pollutants into natural water bodies, protecting the delicate aquatic ecosystem. 💧🐠

4️⃣ Improved Fish Health and Quality: By providing a natural and stress-free environment, simple fish farming technology promotes better fish health and well-being. Fish raised in these systems exhibit lower stress levels, resulting in superior quality seafood that is not only delicious but also nutritionally rich. 🌊🥇

5️⃣ Community Integration: Simple fish farming technology facilitates community engagement and participation. It encourages local residents, schools, and organizations to actively participate in and understand the processes of sustainable fish farming. This builds stronger relationships, raises awareness, and fosters a sense of shared responsibility towards the environment. 🤝👥

At Khaiseng Fish Farm, we embrace the elegance of simplicity in our fish farming practices. We prioritize responsible resource management, environmental stewardship, and the well-being of our fish. By adopting a simpler approach, we can provide you with the finest sustainably-farmed seafood while preserving our delicate ecosystem for future generations. 🌿🐟

Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable and harmonious seafood industry. Together, let’s celebrate the beauty of simple fish farming technology and create a healthier planet for all. 🌍🐠

Khaiseng Fish Farm: Revolutionizing Sustainable Fish Farming in Singapore

As concerns over the depletion of natural fish stocks continue to rise, the importance of sustainable fish farming practices becomes increasingly evident. In this article, we will explore the innovative sustainable practices employed by Khaiseng Fish Farm, located at 291 Neo Tiew Crescent in Singapore. With a commitment to environmental responsibility and delivering high-quality fish products, Khaiseng Fish Farm has emerged as a pioneer in sustainable fish farming, revolutionizing the industry in Singapore, and changing the perception of what high-tech fish farming should look like.

  1. The Integration of Aquaponics

Khaiseng Fish Farm stands out by incorporating aquaponics into its operations. Aquaponics is a sustainable system that combines aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water). This unique integration allows the farm to achieve a symbiotic relationship between fish and plants, ensuring optimal resource utilization and reducing waste.

In the aquaponics system, fish waste serves as a nutrient source for the plants, while the plants purify the water for the fish. This closed-loop system significantly reduces the need for additional fertilizers and eliminates the release of harmful waste into the environment. Khaiseng Fish Farm maximizes the efficiency of its operations by leveraging this sustainable approach.

  1. Responsible Water Management

Water scarcity is a global issue, and particularly so for Singapore. Khaiseng Fish Farm recognizes the need for responsible water management in their operations. The farm employs advanced water recirculation systems, minimizing water wastage and maintaining a pristine aquatic environment for the fish. By continuously reusing and treating water, the farm significantly reduces its overall water consumption.

Moreover, Khaiseng Fish Farm invests in filtration technologies to maintain water quality. This ensures a healthy habitat for the fish while minimizing the discharge of pollutants back into the ecosystem.

  1. Organic Feeding Practices

At Khaiseng Fish Farm, organic feeding practices play a vital role in ensuring both the health of the fish and the sustainability of the operation. The farm utilizes sustainable feed options. These feeds are free from antibiotics, growth hormones, and harmful chemicals that can negatively impact the fish and the surrounding environment.

By prioritizing organic feeds, Khaiseng Fish Farm promotes the overall well-being of the fish while mitigating the risks associated with excessive chemical usage. This commitment to organic feeding practices aligns with the farm’s core values of sustainability and environmental consciousness.

  1. Local Community Engagement

Khaiseng Fish Farm understands the significance of engaging with the local community to promote sustainable practices and raise awareness about the importance of responsible fish farming. The farm actively welcomes the public to visit, and frequently participates in educational programs and guided tours for students and local residents.

Through these activities, Khaiseng Fish Farm aims to foster a deeper understanding of sustainable fish farming methods and inspire others to adopt similar practices. By promoting transparency and sharing knowledge, the farm actively contributes to building a sustainable future for the aquaculture industry in Singapore.


Khaiseng Fish Farm is leading the way in sustainable fish farming in Singapore. By integrating aquaponics, implementing responsible water management techniques, employing organic feeding practices, and engaging with the local community, the farm sets a remarkable example for other fish farms to follow.

The innovative practices of Khaiseng Fish Farm demonstrate that it is possible to produce high-quality seafood while minimizing environmental impact. As Singapore continues to strive towards a more sustainable future, Khaiseng Fish Farm stands at the forefront, shaping the landscape of fish farming in a responsible and eco-friendly manner.

Announcement: Khaiseng Fish Farm Relocates to a New Address!

Dear valued customers and supporters,

We are would like to announce that Khaiseng Fish Farm has moved to a new location. As we move to support Singapore’s land planning needs, this relocation will enable us to continue serving you and allow us to support the Singapore 30 by 30 goal through our commitment to sustainable fish farming practices. Please take note of our new address:

291 Neo Tiew Crescent Singapore 718903

Our new premises at Neo Tiew Crescent whilst smaller, will provide us with a more efficient space to continue our mission of delivering high-quality freshwater food fish while minimising our environmental impact. We have carefully designed the new facility to incorporate the most efficient sustainable aquaculture systems that will further enhance our sustainable farming practices.

At Khaiseng Fish Farm, we remain dedicated to producing food fish in an environmentally responsible manner. Our aquaponics system, responsible water management and feeding practices will continue to be at the heart of our operations. By leveraging these sustainable practices, we aim to contribute to the preservation of our precious natural resources and promote a greener future.

We would also like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your unwavering support throughout our journey. Your trust and patronage have been instrumental in our growth and success. We are excited to invite you to visit our new location and experience firsthand the advancements we have made.

We understand that change can sometimes bring challenges, but rest assured that our team is committed to making this transition as seamless as possible. Our contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses, will remain the same, ensuring uninterrupted communication with our valued customers.

We are truly excited about this new chapter in the history of Khaiseng Fish Farm. With your continued support, we are confident that our new address will serve as a platform for further innovation and excellence in sustainable fish farming.

Thank you once again for being a part of our journey. We look forward to welcoming you to our new location and continuing to provide you with the finest sustainably-farmed seafood.

Warm regards,

Khaiseng Fish Farm

Support Local!

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world profoundly. For Singapore, being a small island with no hinterland, no natural resources and having to rely on global trade and supply for our economy and most of our needs, the impact of COVID-19 has been felt even more strongly.

The disruption to global supply chains brought about by COVID-19 has even affected some of our basic necessities, including food.

As Singapore worked to contain the spread of the virus through implementing social restrictions and localised closures over the past two years, our challenges with food security became even more pronounced.

Even restrictions in neighbouring countries sparked fear over shortage of food supply in Singapore. Long queues formed at supermarkets overnight, when Malaysia announced a Movement Control Order (MCO) in 2020.

Commentary: Singaporeans queued for toilet paper and instant noodles –  there is no shame in that - CNA
Images of Singaporeans panic buying and stockpiling for COVID-19 in early 2020 circulated widely on social media and messaging apps WhatsApp / Telegram.

Other restrictions also impact food supply. Take for instance, the closure of the Jurong Fishery Port in July 2021.

Such incidents have shown us the importance for Singapore to resolve challenges around food security and resilience, and the need for Singapore to produce food locally.

As it is uncertain how the future would look like as we work towards being COVID-resilient and learn to live with COVID, we must be prepared for every situation, including one where the new normal involves implementing restrictions from time to time.

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has ramped up efforts in achieving the ’30 by 30 goals’ for local food production through high-tech farming. In the interim, we must continue to build up our farming capabilities and provide alternative solutions on top of technology.

In order to do so, our farms need your support. Singaporeans have shown strong support to local businesses such as our hawkers and home-based and small businesses over the past two years. Let us also extend support to our local farms, so that they are equipped with the energy and tools they need to explore and increase productivity, and deepen their capabilities to bring more food to our tables.

Khaiseng Fish Farm is an example of local farms that could use your support. Here at Khaiseng, we continue to put our best efforts into producing the freshest fish at affordable prices. We continue to look into ways to maximise production with limited resources. Located in a land-locked plot, we have resolved problems such as water supply, waste management, and adverse weather conditions. We continue to explore solutions to sustainable farming, and improve productivity levels with limited manpower and limited pond sizes, even as our lease draws to an end. Your support will help us in developing more capabilities as we look for alternative locations to carry on with our farming work.

Support our local farms today!

Call us at 6793 7789 for enquiries.

Catfish is good for you – according to TCM beliefs

Many of our customers have shared the benefits of consuming Catfish, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) beliefs.

We look up some of these benefits to share with you –

鲶鱼的基本介绍   What are Catfish?


Catfish, named for the “whiskers” around their mouths, have a unique feature of scaleless skins, which are sometimes slimy, as the fish secretes slime as a form of defense mechanism against pathogens. The Catfish barbels (“whiskers”) are used to distinguish different smells in its surroundings. Catfish can be found all over the world in freshwater ponds and rivers, making them an important food fish in many places. It is best to consume Catfish between Spring and Summer.

鲶鱼的功效与作用   The Benefits of Catfish


1. Induce lactation

Catfish are extremely beneficial in inducing lactation, and can aid in blood production, restoration of energy, improve appetite, as well as promote diuresis. It is most helpful to women who have just given birth.

2. Reduce edema

TCM practitioners belief that the sweet, mild flesh of Catfish are nourishing, and can aid in urine production, reducing edema (swelling caused by an accumulation of excessive fluids).

3. A nourishing supplement

Catfish have been known as expensive supplement products since ancient times. Its medicinal value in TCM terms are one of a kind, and can hardly be found in other types of fish.

鲶鱼的存储  Storing your Catfish


After processing and cleaning, pat skin dry to remove moisture on its surface. Cover with food wrap, and store in the refrigerator (freeze).

鲶鱼的食用方法  Consumption Methods


1. Catfish roe contains toxins, and needs to be cooked for a prolonged period before consumption is suitable. Otherwise, it may cause poisoning, resulting in diarrhea and vomiting.

2. The best method of cooking Catfish would be to stew.

3. Catfish skin is often slimy. After processing, scald Catfish with boiling water and wash to remove slime.

Information extracted from:


Where to get FRESH catfish? Head down to 181 Neo Tiew Road today!


Get Ready for the Year of Rooster!

With Lunar New Year just around the corner, have you made space in your refrigerator to stock it up again with lots and lots of CNY goodies? Don’t forget to stock up your freezer with fresh fish and seafood to whip up a memorable reunion dinner!

Let us help you with it this Lunar New Year. Fresh, Live Seafood at wholesale prices only at Khaiseng Fish Farm —

Bullfrog 田鸡
Catfish 泥鳅
Eel 黄鳝
Grouper 石斑
Sea Bass 金目鲈
Soon Hock 顺壳
Tiger Prawns 老虎虾
Tilapia 尼罗红
Toman (Whole) 生鱼
Toman Fillet 生鱼肉
Patin 巴丁
Otak 乌打

Call us to find out more today!


Why You Should Eat More Fish

Can’t sleep? Lack Vitamin D? Have poor vision? Want to prevent heart diseases and stroke? Eat fish!

Fish contains many important nutrients our body needs, including high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals and omega-3! Nutrient-laden fish can bring about more benefits than you think. In case you need more reasons to eat fish, here are top three health benefits we have picked out for you:

1 Eating Fish Lowers Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

Studies found that those who eat fish weekly had a lower coronary heart disease mortality rate than those who did not eat any.

Eating fish frequently also lower the risk of coronary heart diseases, and sudden cardiac deaths.

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish lowers triglyceride (fats) levels, thus reducing the chances of heart disease!

2. Fish is a Source of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is crucial as it helps make sure that our bodies retain calcium and phosphorous, which keeps our bones healthy and strong. A lack of Vitamin D could cause sleep disorders or poor sleep quality as well. (Vitamin D has plenty of other functions, as explained here.)

If you don’t get enough (at least 15 minutes per day) Sun because you stay indoors all day long, chances are your body lacks Vitamin D.

But spending too much time under the Sun is not a good thing as well! How then do you get your source of the important Vitamin D?

Fret not. Fish is a good dietary source of Vitamin D! You can eat your way to a healthier body and better sleep quality.

3. Eating Fish Could Protect Your Brain from Age-Related Deterioration

It is found that the Omega-3 fatty acids in fishes also increases the amount of Grey Matter in your brain.

Grey matter protects the information-transmitting neurons in your brain, stores memories, and is responsible for most of your activities, senses and emotions.

Having more gray matter in your brain slows down the rate of cognitive decline! Why wait till you’re old to eat fish and make more gray matter?

Conclusion –

Eating fish is undoubtedly good for your health in many aspects. Don’t wait any longer!

Psst! The Fresher the Better. Visit our farm today and bring some fresh fish home!

Land Leases to be Doubled!

Have you heard the good news?

Following our blog post on 62 farms not receiving lease renewal next year, the Government has decided to renew the leases, and double its duration!


Now our friends from the Kranji Countryside no longer have to move.

Read about it in this Straits Times’ report:

SINGAPORE – All new agriculture land will be tendered on 20-year lease instead of the previously announced block of 10 years to allow farmers investing in automation ample time to reap returns, the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) announced on Thursday (June 16).

Sixty-two farms in Lim Chu Kang which are affected by redevelopment plans with tenures expiring in 2017 will also have their tenures extended until the end of 2019, the AVA said.

The Government had informed these farms in 2014 that their leases would expire in June next year, as the land they occupy will be needed for redevelopment. They were also informed that new farm sites would be available for tender in end 2015.

Due to extensive land preparation works needed at the new sites, the first tranche of land sales will be launched from early 2017, and the lease extension is aimed at giving farms sufficient transit time, AVA said.

On the doubling of the lease period, AVA’s chief executive officer Tan Poh Hong said: “Farmers have given us feedback that investing in technology and automation requires a longer pay back period.

“The longer 20-year lease tenure will provide more certainty to farms and enable them to invest in intensive, highly productive technologies that operate on minimal manpower”, said Ms Tan.

The announcement was made during a visit to Seng Choon Farm by Minister of State for Trade and Industry and National Development Koh Poh Koon, where he lauded the fully automated poultry farm for its use of technology and innovation.

Since last November, workers at the farm had started using a machine that can sort through 126,000 eggs an hour, more than double the old machine’s capacity of 60,000 an hour and cutting working hours by up to three hours per day.

Seng Choon now produces 500,000 eggs daily, which is about 10 per cent of the local consumption, and aims to increase production to 700,000 eggs daily by 2020.

Dr Koh, who is also an MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC, said: “Farming is an important sector, even though it’s a small part of our economy, because it is is one way in which we can ensure our food security.

“While we import most of our food from overseas, there will always be a risk of disruption to our food supply, so having some degree of farming capability locally will ensure that we have a means to cope with sudden supply disruptions.

“Farms which bid successfully for new sites can learn from Seng Choon and leverage on new technology and innovation,” said Dr Koh.

While farming is a small industry in Singapore, with support from the government, we believe that farming productivity can be improved to feed our Singaporean sons and daughters.